this anime is AMAZING!!! i watched one episode and it took till 14 episodes later when it was really late for me to be able to stop.... this anime is compelling, scary, and a true joy to watch! if you arent familiar with the manga or novel though, it will confuse the living hell out of you... you see what happens is the story goes through arcs, all of which make sense, except none of the arcs have anything to do with eachother other than the characters, oyashirosama´s curse, and occasionaly they will be tied in together in other ones, but it is entirely pointless... i found that the anime is like that all the way through, and if you want an explanation of whats going on you have to watch the sequel higurashi no naku koro ni kai. other than the fact that the story is never tied in till the sequel, each arc is awesome and compells you to watch more and more and more.
if you havent watched this anime, go to and watch the whole thing before it is liscensed please!!
go to wikipedia for story/manga/novel/game info